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Short Sale Or Stay?

Get Answers! Free Short Sale Help 1-800-692-9960Finding Help Has Never Been This Easy. Short Sale Or Stay? Homeowners who end up in a pinch with a non-equitable asset often must ask themselves, should I short sale or stay? Most homeowners first reaction is to stay,...

2nd Mortgage Foreclosure

Get Answers! Free Short Sale Help 1-800-692-9960Finding Help Has Never Been This Easy.  losin 2nd Mortgage Foreclosure  Typically when a property has foreclosed i initiated it is by a first lien holder. This is because they have the most e equitable position. If a...

PFS Program Short Sale

Get Answers! Free PFS Program Short Sale Help 1-800-692-9960Finding Help Has Never Been This Easy. PFS Program Short Sale Help    The PFS program stands for the Pre Foreclosure Sales Program which many people call a FHA short sale. Borrowers who have a FHA...

Are Short Sales Good Deals?

Get Answers! Free Short Sale Help 1-800-692-9960Finding Help Has Never Been This Easy. Are Short Sales Good Deals?  Many people reach out looking for short sales as they think that means they are going to get a screaming deal. The truth of the matter is that not all...

Mr. Cooper Short Sale Help

Get Answers! Free Mr. Cooper Short Sale Help 1-800-692-9960Finding Help Has Never Been This Easy. Mr. Cooper Short Sale Help Mr. Cooper was formerly known as Nationstar. They are a large mortgage servicer and took over the mortgage servicing company Seterus’s loan...

Short Sale Vs Short Pay Off

Get Answers! Free Short Sale Help 1-800-692-9960Finding Help Has Never Been This Easy. Short Sale Vs Short Pay Off   Short sales and Short Pay Offs are very similiar in nature. The main difference is that in a short sale you are selling the house to someone else...