Get Answers! Chase Regulation X Review Short Sale Help 1-800-692-9960 Finding Help Has Never Been This Easy. Chase Regulation X Review Short Sale Chase when acting as a mortgage servicer for a borrower will perform a Chase Regulation X Review prior to allowing a...
Help! Chase Mortgage Settlement It’ possible to complete Chase Mortgage Settlements. One way to do this is through a short sale settling a Chase 1st or 2nd mortgage on the property. It used to be possible to settle a Chase 2nd that was charged off or a Home...
Chase Eligibility Review When processing a short sale with Chase as the senior lien holder they will ultimately need to place the file into the equator platform to facilitate the transaction. Prior to this they will require that the short sale package be faxed in to...
Is Chase Using Equator Now? We all have heard been hearing for quite some time now that Chase is going to begin using the equator platform to process their short sales but it has yet to take place. It seems it may now be closer now then ever before. A negotiator at...