Nationstar Bankruptcy Short Sale
Nationstar Bankruptcy Short Sale; When a borrower files a bankruptcy it can affect the facilitation of a short sale. Many mortgage servicers will not move forward with a short sale review while there is an active bankruptcy on file. Other mortgage servicers will move forward and will require certain documents to be provided and criteria to be met prior to being able to complete a short sale review. For example Nationstar will require the bankruptcy attorney to be on the authorization letter and a letter from the Bankruptcy attorney granting Nationstar permission to proceed with a short sale review. The most important factor is that Nationstar will not submit a short sale for a final decision unless if the bankruptcy is discharged, dismissed, or if a motion to sell is approved and provided.
Timing and experience are imperative in these situations. Please contact us by filling out the form below if you have any questions or need anything at all.
[contact-form-7 id=”155″ title=”Contact form 1″]