California Deficiency Judgments California & Its One Action Rule California law constrains a lender with an interested secured in real property (example: mortgage loan) to taking solely one action to enforce the debt. The one action rule states “There can be but...
Multiple Lien Short Sale It’s important to pull title at the beginning of a short sale transaction to confirm how many liens are encumbering the property. At times there multiple liens, a first and second mortgage, credit card judgments, tax liens, and other...
Are Verbal Authorizations For California Mortgage Servicers Allowed? It appears as of lately verbal authorizations for California Mortgage Servicers are no longer being accepted by borrowers to authorize 3rd party’s on their account to speak. Even if the...
Investor Freddie Mac Short Sale Help The Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC) commonly known as Freddie Mac is a government sponsored enterprise (GSE). As of September 7, 2008 Freddie Mac was put under a conservatorship of the U.S. Federal government. ...
Notice Of Short Sale Wells Fargo A notice of short sale is provided from Wells Fargo generally when they are the investor on the note and for other private investors as well. Wells Fargo will complete a Desktop Appraisal and advise the borrower on what to the list the...